Postgraduate studies
This page provides support, steering documents and forms for those who work with postgraduate studies in various ways.
Below you can find the general syllabi for doctoral students admitted from 1 January 2021. The syllabi are sorted by department.
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science
- Computational Science (PDF, 243 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Environmental Science (PDF, 593 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Theoretical Physics with specialisation in Computational Biolog (PDF, 595 kB, opens in a new tab)
Centre for Mathematical Sciences
- Mathematical Statistics (PDF, 665 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Mathematics (PDF, 581 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Numerical Analysis (PDF, 593 kB, opens in a new tab)
Department of Biology
Biology (PDF, 759 kB, opens in a new tab)
Department of Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry (PDF, 569 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Biochemistry (PDF, 574 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Chemical Physics (PDF, 630 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Computational Chemistry (PDF, 242 kB, new tab)
- Inorganic Chemistry (PDF, 574 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Molecular Biophysics (PDF, 575 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Organic Chemistry (PDF, 574 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Physical Chemistry (PDF, 573 kB, opens in a new tab)
Department of Geology
- Geobiosphere Science with a specialisation in Lithosphere and Palaeobiosphere Sciences (PDF, 592 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Geobiosphere Science with a specialisation in Quaternary Geology (PDF, 591 kB, opens in a new tab)
Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science
- Geobiosphere Science, with specialisation in Geographical Information Science (PDF, 592 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Geobiosphere Science, with specialisation in Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science (PDF, 591 kB, opens in a new tab)
Department of Physics
- Astronomy and Astrophysic (PDF, 579 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Physics (PDF, 756 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Theoretical Physics with specialisation in Theoretical Physics (PDF, 593 kB, opens in a new tab)
Medical Radiation Physics
Medical Radiation Physics (PDF, 690 kB, opens in a new tab)
Older syllabus
Please contact Benedicte Sato Arentzen to obtain an older syllabus.
Contact information for Benedicte Sato Arentzen (
Acceptable study conditions
Acceptable study conditions (PDF, 269 kB, opens in a new tab)
Forms and templates for opening a doctoral position with other funding than doctoral employment (for the departments)
- Industry-employed doctoral student agreement (Word, 58 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Admission to third-cycle education financed by scholarship – Conditions and management rules (PDF, 229 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Certificate for admission of PhD student with scholarship – in Swedish only (Word, 110 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Agreement regarding conditions for scholarship holder (PDF, 75 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Certificate concerning conditions posed by the PhD-scholarship provider (PDF, 173 kB, opens in a new tab)
Template for double degree agreements (for the departments)
Contact Aleksandra Popovic, aleksandra [dot] popovic [at] science [dot] lu [dot] se, for more information about the template for double degree agreements.
Admitting and registering doctoral students in Ladok
Fill in the form below and send it to the Ladok group, or fill in the Ladok group's web form below (in Swedish only).
Form for admission to postgraduate studies (PDF, 83 kB, opens in a new tab)
An individual study plan is to be drawn up in conjunction with admission to third-cycle studies. The plan is to specify the overall content and structure of your specific studies and clarify how responsibility for the completion of the studies is to be divided.
- Basis for discussion in the introduction of newly admitted doctoral students (PDF, 98 kB, opens in a new tab)
- System for individual study plans (
- Instruction manual for the system for Individual study plans (PDF, 477 kB, opens in a new tab)
The plan should be revised on an ongoing basis and must be reviewed and updated at least once a year. In conjunction with the updating of the individual study plan, the doctoral student and the supervisor can also evaluate the supervision and working situation.
The form that doctoral students fill out in order to apply for credit transfer is available on the webpage aimed at doctoral students: For current doctoral students (
Minimum standard supervision
Minimum standard for supervision (PDF, 290 kB, opens in a new tab)
Prevent and manage conflicts between doctoral students and supervisors
- Action plan for the prevention of conflicts between doctoral students and supervisors (PDF, 601 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Guidelines for managing conflicts between doctoral students and supervisors (PDF, 239 kB, opens in a new tab)
Form and procedure for a change of supervisor
Difference between courses and individual undertakings
In addition to the thesis work, research studies comprise credits earned either from courses or individual undertakings (also referred to as other credit-earning components).
Establishment of new third cycle courses
Forms for doctoral students who are admitted at other universities
Special permission to participate in PhD courses (PDF, 130 kB, opens in a new tab)
The doctoral student shall complete the section of the form entitled "Application".
The department shall complete the section entitled "Decision" and state a contact person for questions about the decision in the section entitled "Submitted by".
The decision is to be sent to the Ladok group (support [at] ladok [dot] lu [dot] se), which will upload it to Ladok. Registration and grade reporting is then done by the department in the usual way.
The faculty's courses for doctoral students
See the courses on the webpage aimed at doctoral students: For current doctoral students (
Annual plan for doctoral courses offered by the faculty
The idea is that the courses will be given at the same weeks each year, but a more detailed plan is published here for each year. The plan is available on the webpages aimed at doctoral students: Annual plan for doctoral courses offered by the faculty (
Doctoral students’ salary stages in 2023-year salary level
As of 1 October 2023, the Faculty of Science's doctoral students’ salary stages are as follows.
For doctoral students who started their doctoral studies before 1 August 2023
Subject area physical geography, geology, biology, environmental science and chemistry:
Entry level salary: SEK 31 300
60 credits: SEK 31 900
120 credits: SEK 33 000
180 credits: SEK 34 100
Subject area physics and mathematics:
Entry level salary: SEK 32 300
60 credits: SEK 32 900
120 credits: SEK 34 000
180 credits: SEK 35 100
For doctoral students who started their doctoral education after 1 August 2023
Subject area physical geography, geology, biology, environmental science and chemistry:
Entry level salary: SEK 31 300
120 credits: SEK 33 600 SEK
180 credits: SEK 34 800
Subject area physics and mathematics:
Entry level salary: SEK 32 300
120 credits: SEK 34 600
180 credits: SEK 35 800
More regulatory documents on salary, benefits and insurance
- Rules regarding extension of programme length and employment as a doctoral student due to student union activities (PDF, 153 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Prolongation for departmental duties (PDF, 232 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Extension of doctoral students' study time due to the coronavirus pandemic (PDF, 332 kB, opens in a new tab)
Form for the departments
Form for doctoral students
The form that doctoral students fill out in order to apply for an extension due to student union activities is available on the webpage aimed at doctoral students: For current doctoral students (
The form for non-completion that doctoral students fill out in order to terminate their studies is available on the webpage aimed at doctoral students: For current doctoral students (
- Regulations on licentiate degrees (PDF, 283 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Decision regarding remuneration for external opponent (PDF, 278 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Form: Application for licentiate seminar (Word, 115 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Template for decision on licentiate thesis – in Swedish only (Word, 123 kB, opens in a new tab)
Advice and instructions
- Advice and instructions for doctoral students and departments in connection with the public defence of theses (PDF, 283 kB, opens in a new tab)
- Digital components of thesis defences at the Faculty of Science (PDF, 221 kB, new tab)
Defence booking system
Log in to the defence booking system
Management regulations
Examining committee
Aleksandra Popovic
Education coordinator
Contact information for Aleksandra Popovic (
Benedicte Sato Arentzen
Administrative coordinator
Contact information for Benedicte Sato Arentzen (
Questions about thesis defence
Constance Holmbäck
Administrative coordinator
Contact information for Constance Holmbäck (
Research programmes board
Directors of studies
- Centre for Environmental and Climate Science: Tobias Ambjörnsson
- Centre for Mathematical Sciences: Sandra Pott
- Department of Biology: Klas Flärdh
- Department of Chemistry: Viveka Alfredsson
- Department of Geology: Mats Eriksson
- Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science: Martin Berggren
- Department of Physics: Thomas Bensby
- Medical Radiation Physics: Ronnie Wirestam